Affordable Hosting Packages







Taylor Media provides superior, reliable hosting to all of our web design clients. In fact, we provide such great rates for web hosting, we often receive requests and referrals for additional hosting packages. If you need a package with different features than those listed below, email contact us for custom quotes.

Our hosting service has also been marketed under our Juiced Host brand.

NEW! Larger Diskspace Quotas!
space space space space space
Basic Package
Gold Package
Platinum+ Package
reddot 1000MB Diskspace
reddot 3GB Monthly Transfer
reddot 10 pop e-mail
reddot 5 ftp accounts
reddot 2500MB Diskspace
reddot 7GB Monthly Transfer
reddot Unlimited Pop Email
reddot 20 ftp accounts
reddot 4500MB Diskspace
reddot 10GB Monthly Transfer
reddot Unlimited Pop Email
reddot 30 ftp accounts

Additional Features
- POP & SMTP mail
- Webmail
- Spam Filtering
- Full CGI-BIN
- Cpanel
- Autoinstaller for many popular scripts
- Perl
MySQL & PHPAdmin
Server Side Includes
Many other features